To mark a chapter of my life in terms of age (in July) as well as maturity (hopefully), I finally built up the courage to do what I’ve always wanted to – have an art embedded into me.
Tattoos have always been perceived as something which signify social ills, however to me, good tattoos are masterpieces. If you can’t even draw properly on a piece of paper, do you think you can create beautiful artwork on skin? Good artwork is something which an individual can carry around, being proud of what makes him/her an individual. It may also carry special meaning for the wearer.
Before making the permanent marking, it is of utmost importance to be certain that a person truly wants a tattoo, and not doing it simply because his/her friends are doing it.
I have always been my own person, and I wish to continue doing things my way in time to come. What I have etched above my ankle is a lizard – Maori style. It might not have been incorporated with much native symbols as the usual designs, but it is a good start. The design can be elaborated in future, but I guess it will stop here for the time being.
Many asks why a lizard. Well, lizards are spiritual elements to the Maori people. It also represents luck and the ability to adapt to the environment as well as to let go. Hopefully with this as a reminder, I will be a happier person.