Thursday, March 12, 2009

Talking the walk & walking the talk

As I got into the office today, I heard a very short story which changed my mood for the rest of the day.

It rained pretty heavily yesterday evening and while on her way out from the factory car park, a lady colleague had an accident with another guy. Both car owners got out from their vehicles and got trapped in the rain as well as disagreements. In the midst of their conversation, the male driver made some very discriminative remarks.

The lady driver is a supplier stationed on-site while the male driver is an employee of the factory. I am not sure whether the words were meant to make him seem more superior, but the remarks he made on the employment status as well as seniority of the other party as unacceptable. He subsequently wrote an e-mail to the lady’s sponsor.

The question I have  is how one’s employment status as well as seniority related to an motor accident? Does being a supplier means one is less educated? Does one’s age justify his/her intelligence? Does being a lady means she does not know how to drive and should take whatever abuse thrown at her? What part has a boss play in accidents unrelated to work?

US companies claims that they support the Federal Government’s ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act)[], but does it covers employment statuses? How many of their employees adhere to it? How do you know that people working in a company actually  follow the established Code of Conduct? Although there is a clause stating that no retaliation will take place upon reports of ethical or legal misconducts, however that is usually not the case. The end result is scoring a perfect 100 for ethical compliances, which again paints an unrealistic corporate image.

Code of Conduct of the MNC mentioned above stated that employees need to treat one another with respect. What is the definition of the word employee in this case? Does it include suppliers working on its premise? Are they being protected against discrimination? If not, then these people will have to fend for themselves as their employers will definitely not take any actions against their customer. After all, why bother when you are making good money?

Do you think that being ignorant is the most therapeutic thing one can do under such circumstances? If your answer is yes, then that explains the difference between you and me. I have self-respect, dignity, and I stand up for what is right. The world is not a fair place and of course justice does not prevail all the time, but I would rather die trying than to sell my soul.

Any idea which MNC am I talking about?

Intel – voted as one of the world’s best employers, and where obnoxious people naturally think that they are smarter than you.


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