Friday, April 30, 2010

Dear Diary: ww18.5

Got the required data ready, will try to retain the 1 headcount I am suppose to cut. If the answer is a big NO, then I am sorry… :(
I just want you to know I have tried my best. I did not mean for this to happen.

I want you to know, it doesn’t matter…
Where we take this road, someone’s gotta go…

Walked to pasar malam upon returning from work, bought some food that will make me put on extra pounds. But what the hell, life is short.

Monday is a rest day, replacement holiday for Labor's Day!!


Zack said...

I wan to eat...
I just ate a bowl of kacang hijau for today...

Suppachai Ty said...

What happened to you? Feeling down or on diet?