Monday, October 20, 2008

Ever tried planting bitter gourd at home?

It can be done using a normal pot. All you need is something for your baby gourd plant Bitter gourdto climb. Feed your plant regularly with organic fertilizer and lots of water, remember not to put it under direct sunlight. This plant bore 11 gourds before finally making way for new ones. It survived 1 whole week with unsupervised auto-irrigation system. OK, it was a small PVC pipe with holes drilled in it, connected to the tap. Not much of an irrigation system, but it provided a slow stream of thirst quencher. Boy did they taste good!!


Medie007 said...

it's bitter gourd... how nice can it be? bitter... bleh...

me never likey bitter gourd.. hehe :D

Anonymous said...

omg is tat urs? they r gorgeous! i nvr plant them in the house, but i used to see those in the farm one, and they r very productive one kekeekee, and they definitely taste good, u can boil soup, stuff it with pork or fry with egg, so versatile :P
and i like ur blog :P