Monday, September 7, 2009

Take it like a man!

blog15 Oh dear… am I having problems with my eyesight?

The highly popular video on Youtube showing a man being abused by a lady has made it into the news. Although it was really interesting to know more about the incident and I strongly suspected that the person in heels and skirt could have been a male (since the man just stood there and took it like a er… “man”), unfortunately the content of the article stated that dominant party was a lady. The truth always hurt don’ they? Life is so full of disappointments don’t you agree? What is so disappointing one may wonder… Well if being abused in public is not bad enough, try getting caught on camera while being hit in the privates with heels.

Anyway, my point is… how come the title of the piece in The Star read “Man in high-heel attack a top property agent?” :)

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