Sunday, March 1, 2009

But why not?

imageSince when is there a law to ban usage of certain words? This can never happen to the rest of the world but then again, this is Malaysia. This country is not like the rest of the world, simply because it is not. Malaysia is a country where a lot of structural problems were acts of God. I think you get the idea.

So why is the Catholic Herald not allowed to use the word “Allah” in its publishing? Did they publish anything discriminating? Did they question the faith and religion of other fellow human beings? Islam is a religion that has a lot of good teachings, thus I do not see how the use of this word in non-related materials can do any harm. One thing for sure, I hope those morons in the parliament do not think that the faith of Muslims can be so easily shaken, just like what they thought of practicing Yoga. Wake up! In support of free speech, all beings are equal and thus we should be given the rights to express ourselves and of course, defend ourselves should we fail to agree with one another.

We learn and advance by sharing knowledge and thoughts. The process allows us to agree or to disagree, subsequently providing us the opportunity to share in return our point of views.

I do not wish to dwell in this topic, because it simply does not make sense. After all, the lawmakers are a mindless bunch.

Malaysia, truly Asia.

P/S: If you fail to hear from me any time after this posting, it means I have been detained under ISA by the police for my own protection.

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