Friday, May 7, 2010

Dear Diary: ww19.6

Took a few days off from posting routine stuff. Today is Saturday, I guess I can spare a few minutes. :)

Feeling a little lost at work the last few days, not liking what has happened. Life is so unpredictable, especially when you are not your own boss.

The air conditioner gave up on me, argh!!!  Don’t think I will survive without it, the weather is ridiculously warm. Had to sleep on the floor last night since tiles are definitely cooler compared to the mattress!

Started reading the autobiography of Gandhi, slow but interesting. Finished the book on body language, eureka! Finally can return it to the owner after so many months. :) I know that is a really long time, but I only managed a couple of pages every single day.

Caught up with a friend via MSN last night, glad to know that he is making some changes and that he is feeling good over them. Change is an important part of life. As humans, we intend to get bored or complacent over what we already have.

Mother’s Day… surprisingly no plans. Not sure if anything will come up.

Feeling like having a haircut, but kind lazy…

Must remember to deposit money into a friend’s account, need to have them changed into Thai Bhat. Must remember… must remember…

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