Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hotel K - According to the inmates

“People couldn’t imagine what is behind those walls at Kerobokan.” – Ruggiero, Brazilian inmate

”It’s a mental camp. In this place, you get worse, not better.” – Mick, Australian inmate

”They demanded 12 years for me, but I talked to the prosecutor and the prosecutor asked me if I had money so that I could deal with my case. So I paid over one hundred million rupiah [$25,000] through my lawyer and the court gave me punishment for 6 years.” – Nita

”From the beginning, Iwan was Number One VIP. He is the one who can openly use a laptop or hand phone because he’s the one who is the Number One sponsor for the jail. Whatever is needed, he’s the one who takes out the money. Even if the chief of jail wanted to go somewhere, wanted to go to Jakarta, he was the one who paid the money. He’s the one who takes care of it, plane fare, hotel, everything. With money, whatever you want, you can do inside. Whoever wants to sell drugs inside the jail, no problem. Every week you have to pay the money to the chief of the jail.” – Den, Nepalese inmate

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