Thursday, February 9, 2012

The incident at Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)

Following the controversy of a KFC customer being assaulted by one of their employees, and the viral sharing of the video clip, each and everyone of us has got something to say. KFC stated that they will not apologize until police investigation is being concluded. Supporters of the KFC employee said that he was being provoked to hit the customer. The male customer and his female companion said that they never hurled any insults at the personnel. So who is the real victim here? Who should we be listening to? As rational individuals, we should not listen to anyone but rather examine the hard proof we have – the clip. What transpired between them during the time of incident does not matter as there was no recording of the conversation. You may wish to take statements made by witnesses into consideration, however that is not necessary for myself because the value they hold is negligible.

Whichever party that raised their fists loose, regardless of the degree of provocation. The victim who did not make the first punch has the right to lodge a police report of assault, even if he/she fought back. Let’s see if the judiciary system in Malaysia is fair, and to what extend. As for KFC, they should say something more appeasing to the angry crowd rather than being arrogant at this moment.

No one should resort to violence under any circumstances unless they are prepared to suffer the consequences. I have no devious intention to shoot every single employee working for KFC (I did after all continue my support after a few unpleasant experience with them personally) due to one bad egg, but the truth is it was in the basket, and there may be more. It is time someone take this as a lesson well learned, employees and employer alike.

After all the videos of KFC personnel contaminating the food on purpose, the latest incident serves as the last straw for me. I shall now stop visiting KFC and all other eateries under the same umbrella, as a consumer with integrity and for my own health

Kentucky Fried Chicken or Kentucky Fight Chicken, your choice!

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